- “Photoswitchable and Self-Assembling Microspherical Materials for Photochemical Lasing Control”: Army Research Office (W911NF-23-1-0405): PI F. M. Raymo, $ 1,108,270, 10/15/23–10/14/27
- “Northwestern University Center for Chromatin NanoImaging in Cancer (NU-CCNIC)”: National Institutes of Health (NCI-5U54CA268084), PI: V. Backman; Co-PIs: F. M. Raymo, H. F. Zhang, $ 3,345,812, 12/01/21–11/30/26
- “Collaborative Research: Spectral Discrimination of Single Molecules with Photoactivatable Fluorescence”: National Science Foundation (CHE-2246547), PI: F. M. Raymo, Co-PI: Y. Zhang, $ 409,929, 09/01/23–08/31/26
- “Collaborative Research: Design of High Entropy Alloy Electrocatalysts for Mineralization of Total Organic Carbon in Municipal Wastewater”: National Science Foundation (CBET-2230165), PI: F. M. Raymo, Co-PIs: L. Ruiz Pestana, N. Soares Quinete, $ 439,464, 08/01/23–07/31/26
- “Photoactivatable Fluorophores for High-Throughput Multiplexed Tracking of Single-Molecules in Live Cells”: National Institutes of Health (NIGMS-R01GM143397), PI: F. M. Raymo, Co-PIs: H. F. Zhang, Y. Zhang, $ 1,443,894, 05/01/22–02/28/26
- “Photochemical Strategies to Activate Far-Red Fluorescence with Green Light”: National Science Foundation (CHE-1954430), PI: F. M. Raymo, Co-PIs: H. F. Zhang, Y. Zhang, $ 580,000, 08/15/20–07/14/23
- “Exploring the Ability of Thermo-Fluorescent Dyes to Probe the Near Surface Ocean Structure”: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (80NSSC18K0774), PI: P. J. Minnett, Co-PI: F. M. Raymo, $ 346,357, 05/01/18–04/30/21
- “Photochemical Strategies to Monitor Cellular Dynamics in Living Organisms with Supramolecular Assistance”: National Science Foundation (CHE-1505885), PI: F. M. Raymo, $ 450,000, 01/15/16–12/31/18
- “Blinking Fluorophores by Design”: National Science Foundation (CHE-1049860), PI: F. M. Raymo, $ 493,705, 09/01/11–08/31/15
- “Purchase of Benchtop Electrospray Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer”: National Science Foundation (CHE-0946858), PI: V. Ramamurthy, Co-PIs: A. E. Kaifer, B. Captain, N. Takenaka, $ 308,800, 02/01/10–01/31/13
- “Dynamic Backplane Ribbon Coupler for Card-to-Backplane Computer Interconnection”: National Science Foundation (ECCS-0901533), PI: M. R. Wang, Co-PI: F. M. Raymo, $ 337,360, 09/01/09–08/31/12
- “Luminescent Switches for Fluorescence Nanoscopy”: National Science Foundation (CHE-0749840), PI: F. M. Raymo, $ 489,450, 02/01/08–01/31/12
- “Chiral Organic Cations as Catalysts for Enantioselective Synthesis”: Florida Department of Health (New Investigator Research Grant 07KN-12-12318), PI: N. Takenaka, Co-PI: F. M. Raymo, $ 328,841, 07/01/07–06/30/10
- “From Designed Molecules to Functional Materials and Innovative Devices”: National Science Foundation (CAREER Award CHE-0237578), PI: F. M. Raymo, $ 496,295, 01/01/03–12/31/07